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On the Planet

Hey All!
Had a great weekend (3-days) yuk yuk... got to run errands Fri. but Lisa and I went fisshin on Saturday, ALL day. She had a book to finish reading, and I was more than glad to go on driveabout and find an appropriate reading arena, with water.
We drove up the coast about 15 miles to a game (bird) preserve called Cape Romaine. we had awunnerful day of losing lures, feeding the fishees, and generally floundering along with reading involved. The shrimpers were out in full force, with any kind of watercraft that would tow and float. They go out during this baiting season, throw a clump of chum to the bottom of the creek/channel, staba pole of about 10 feet into the mud around the bait, and move on X 10. When they return about at the end of the afternoon, they pull the pole out, and throw a castnet over the bait clump, and rake in about a bazillion shrimp! Much more productive than my day with pole and shrimpbait and little fishes stealing the bait and brokenline and lost lures and interrupting Lisa trying to read and no big fish eating the bait and sorefeet cause everytime I sitdown my pole bends with the littlefish stealing the shrimpybait off the big hook with enough pressure to make me think its areal fish thistime but noooo it's that dopey little cobia trying for a free lunch again.
But this was all worth it because we saw a dozen beautiful egrets, the coolest 65* in the afternoon, no wind and a beeeautiful blue sky with wispy clouds, and my lovely wife and I getting to be outside in and on the Planet.