We had to enthusiastic competitors, who brought their individualism as well as special talents for the dramatic to the contest.
The rules were to create a house of gingerbread in 6hours not including baking time.
They could use any candies or fondant decorations they wanted. THe judges were tough on them, and were looking for exact replication, taste, content, and overall theme.
Elizabeth chose to do the Bilbo Baggins home in the shire.

Tamara chose the set of "Lost" including the polar bear.

These two novice competitors did an Amazing job. Look at the detail. Although Elizabeth was given harsh criticism of her coconut grass roofing, the overall shape of her structure was fabulous.
Tamara recieved 1 judges negative remark for having 2 propellars on her plane, but I feel that particular judge really overlooked her talent for pixy stick, sand and carmel airplane seats. Next year I think we may invite guest judges who are not out to score any vendettas.

As they say at every academy award program, Its an honor to be nominated, The First prize and 2nd prize scores were only 1/100th of a point apart. Elizabeth did win a shopping spree to her favorite store, and Tamara won a gift certifcate to her favorite store. As it as often be said, many times many ways, Merry Christmas, there are no losers in our contests.
The hardest part for me as a judge was defining which was more important. Do I stay loyal to my wife of 6 1/2 years, or my love of Lord of the Rings. It kept me up for weeks afterwards. And I think the participants knew this.
Posted by
Brokenmandible |
1/31/2007 12:20 AM