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My first Carolina Complaint

I didnt come here to complain about what is wrong with south, rather I came here to embrace it. So this will come as a big surprise that I have one complaint. ( oh actually I have more but this one is a fore runner today.)

Ok for anyone who doesnt know me, I love sleep. I love to sleep and sleep is important to me and I need lots of sleep. However my sister would argue the word need in that sentence.
Tim has an unusual sleep habit, which I am going to insist he blog about because I am unable to explain it. ( please hang with me) but I have to always sleep by the window. In our last apartment, I slept by the window which involved the sound of a beautiful relaxing fountain, as well as the sound of the ambulance/fire station that was 100 ft. away. Some nights on a full moon, the moon would reflect on the pond and bounce light energy right in my eyes which caused me to awake in a full sweat thinking I was being interrogated by the SS. ( You all know how that flashback is for me.) But I persevere over these things, and when I am unable to sleep I dont hold a grudge about it at all. I just make sure everyone who is within a half mile radius realizes that I did NOT sleep that night.
Well at this new apartment we were esctatic about the range of new song birds that we have out side our window. Mockingbirds, blue jays, and cardinals are the only ones we are able to identify. They were nice at first, then cute and really very peaceful but now ----Its just me against them.. Ever since the time changed, I am telling you the little devils are out to get me. THEy dont sing at a reasonable hour. HELL NO!! 4:36. What the hell bird is up at 4:36. There isnt even a decent worm or bug up at that hour. At 4:36 this place sounds like the middle of the Amazon, and if you listen closely you can even hear the tiki birds. Tiki Toucans in Carolina. I dont think so. So I figure its those damn mockingbirds. They mock.. They mock whatever freaking soound they hear. They have a playlist longer than the 1000 song IPod. Its never the same song, and more specifically they do not repeat a song. They dont even repeat the chorus. Oh I hate it. So I tried everything, yelling shuddup, slamming the window shut, and Margie. I just let Margie out on the porch and told her to have at it. She likes them. No killer instinct there. I am ready to go to more severe measures. I know you are all nervously awaiting to tell me that" Its a Sin to kill a mockingbird." I know I love the book, but its just a book. I looked up the 10 commandments and there isnt one thing in there about mockingbirds. NOTHING, just a lot of coveting this and that, no mockingbirds. I am going back to the ear plugs and pillow over my head, and we are moving the bed. After my continual reminding Tim about this problem, he did suggest that I should feel lucky that they cannot mock a harley davidson without pipes or the garbage truck that comes at 4:48 on Tuesdays. He can always find a rainbow behind every cloud, can't he.
I do want to include in this rant my favorite bird. I love these ibis. They are the cutest darn things. They have totally BRIGHT yellow feet that look like they are wearing galoshes. They are the best ones. And they know the importance of being quiet.