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from Ca to WY to SC to SA nity

For whom......

Here we all are, y'all as they say here, finding ourselves on the Edge of civilization again- albeit a different edge than WY ever was.
The journey of these souls has brought a life to life, and out of the drone of the familiar.

The streets here have no names to us as they are merely conveyences to other unknown places, whereas the familiar streets of the other edge were paths to the known. These sentences may seem as randomness, but I assure you they can convey a way of living which can be had by all.

When we think of our lives on a linear timeline, we see a beginning, middle and end. The stuff between is what really seems to matter, though many of us waste and fritter the hours away in the fishbowl in front of our nose.

In the musings herein I shall try to give tools to reflect and illuminate the meat between your ears. As all meat can go Bad, the freshness date has to be changed frequently by reflecting on what Really matters(in your psyche). When ultimitely we only can take what is before our senses to the "souldraft" with us, one must consider frequently the content of this experience we call Life. If your experiences repeat themselves more than can be counted, then maybe a Rut has been formed. When the experiences are painful or non-noticible (auto pilot) the rut can be harmful. This rut can be deep or shallow according to the amount of time in the Life it consumes.
Enough of the basis for the rantings to follow. I have agreed to chronicle the experiences in my Life to this point as theraputic but comical musings, to not be critical of the habitat or sub-species in which we have contact with in this Edge we now inhabit. So call me on it if I seem to be bitter or haughty towards my fellow souls, as I never wish to be of that ilk.

For those of you readers that haven't yet met me in real form, I want you to know that I don't talk this way. My voice is a high pitched whine from Northern CA, reluctantly influenced in the teen and adult years from WY. The content of my Head may be also classified this way. So for that I have no apologies, just remember from whence I came, apple tree makes apples, nuts don't fall far from the tree etc.........
Thank you for your encouragement in this endeavor- Tim